Terms and Conditions

  • Although all activities on the courses are supervised there is still an element of danger which can not be mitigated against. Do It Yourself Brighton will advise you regarding health & safety best practice to follow at all times. It is your responsibility to adhere to these. if you do not then any injuries or damages sustained as a result, during or after a course will be deemed as your own liability. All information given to you during a course is done so in good faith and to the best of Do It Yourself Brighton knowledge is accurate, correct and up to date. however any and all information provided on a course is advisory only and you must check and research for legal and legislative accurateness for yourself.

  • Public Liability Insurance is in place for the activities involved on the day or duration of your course, this will cover any injury or damage sustained during a course. however no liability is taken by Do It Yourself Brighton for events taking place after the course has ended. Do It Yourself Brighton will hold no responsibility for any health or safety concerns once you have attended a course. Do It Yourself Brighton cannot be held responsible for any products we discuss or recommend should they prove to be unsuitable or not fit for purpose.

  • Do It Yourself Brighton will issue refunds for cancellations up to 3 weeks prior to the course start date, there-after no refund will be made unless on a one to one basis Do It Yourself Brighton decide that circumstances warrant it and this shall be at our discretion.

  • Any complaints you have about the course content or delivery Do It Yourself Brighton will take very seriously. if you do have a complaint you may get in touch via email or telephone to register the complaint and Do It Yourself Brighton will make all reasonable attempts towards corrective action within an appropriate timescale.

  • Do It Yourself Brighton take the privacy of your information very seriously. This privacy policy applies to our use of any and all data collected by us or provided by you in relation to your use of the website and any other related digital services and functions associated with Do It Yourself Brighton

  • Do It Yourself Brighton website is hosted by square space and it uses cookies to track visitor information. Find out more under ‘Cookies’ below . If you are on Do It Yourself Brighton mailing list we will only hold your full name and email address and contact number if you provide one.

  • For marketing purposes: sending you emails, which Do It Yourself Brighton can address to you. This information is held securely in Do It Yourself Brighton account with a website called Mailchimp, and Do It Yourself Brighton use it for nothing other than sending you emails. You can find Mailchimp’s privacy policy on the Mailchimp website.

  • If you sign up to one of our courses, we may need to contact you directly to confirm event details, or alert you to a change circumstances. In these cases we will contact you using the information you supplied to us directly, or to our ticket booking partners. We will never give or sell your information to a third party.

  • Images and videos may be captured at events by default and used for promotional and marketing purposes only. If you wish to rescind that permission, then please let us know by email, phone or on the day of the event.

  • We will keep your information for as long as you wish to receive emails from us – There is an unsubscribe link on the bottom of every email. so if you find our emails are unwanted then please feel free to unsubscribe whenever you wish.

  • You have the right to be forgotten and have all of your information deleted. If you request for us to do so, we will remove all digital interactions with our brand.

  • You have the right to request a copy of the information we have about you. You can do so by emailing us.

  • You have the right to complain about how we use your data (we ask that you contact us in the first instance to allow us the opportunity to rectify the issue)

  • You can lodge a complaint with the ICO (the Information Commissioner’s Office) here: https://ico.org.uk/concerns/